Membership types:
Allied Membership | $500 or $1,000
Allied Member companies are firms that supply goods and services to Iowa and Minnesota poultry farmers. This type of membership is designed for the companies that want to have an interaction with Producer and Hatchery Members and share their expertise with the industry.
Egg Producer Members| Producer fee is a one-time annual fee of $.00150 per bird at maximum capacity
* If your pullets are raised for your egg production only, they are not considered a commercial pullet operation.
Hatchery Members | Price based upon number of eggs
Broiler Processor | $.0001 per bird processed (or 10 cents per thousand birds processed)
Broiler Grower | $50. per grower
Associate Member | $25.00
For poultry and egg supporters who want to be engaged, informed, and supportive of the NCPA and our efforts. Meant for those retired in the industry, or those in university outreach programs.
Junior NCPA Member | FREE
For FFA, 4-H, and Collegiate poultry and egg enthusiast.
Small Flock Member | $10.00
*10,000 birds or less
To enhance communication, biosecurity, and collaboration between commercial and hobby poultry farmers.